Monday 10 May 2010

AAAARGH! The Safe Place Gremlin's bleedin' at it again!

OK, before we all broke up for the winter hibernation in the local "Open Street Map" Mapping Group, I put my "mapping projects" Rite-in-the-Rain binder in a safe place. I thought that I'd put it right behind me, on the bookshelf that stands against the wall of my computer alcove.

Not apparently so - either that or it's magically moved itself in the last five or six months.

And, of course, I want to use it tonight.

I've turned the flat upside down, shaken it by it's ankles, and watched as everything from loose change to a couple of rubber bricks (Where the HELL did THOSE come from?!) fell out of it's hidden pockets.

But can I find that damned binder with all of last years copious and carefully made entries?

Can I hell. Beedin' Safe Place Gremlin's gone and hidden the damn thing, hasn't it.

I swear, if I ever meet an SPG in the flesh, I'm gonna grab it by it's green and overly-large pointed ears and jump up and down on it's happy sack writ large.

And now, to cap it all, the bloody flat's a mess.


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